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Top Tips for a Mess-Free Christmas

Family sitting down to enjoy Christmas dinner.
14/12/2022mins readWant to learn more?Keep up to date with Oceans news, Latest products and our actions for Oceans.

With the Christmas season in full swing, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of the holidays.

With a house full of guests and endless entertaining to do, it can be hard to keep up with all the extra mess that comes with hosting over the festive period. To help ease your load this holiday season, check out our top tips for keeping your home clean and clutter-free while still enjoying all the fun of Christmas Day!

Create a cleaning schedule

Preparation is key, making a cleaning schedule will help you to keep on top of any household chores. We’d always recommend doing a deep clean a few days before Christmas so you can enjoy the festive season with minimal cleaning.

One thing to make sure of if you’re hosting, is that you have a sparkly clean oven before Christmas and make sure it’s ready to cook that turkey to perfection.

*Eco cleaning tip – Mix ½ cup of baking soda, ½ cup of salt, and ½ cup of water into a spreadable paste and spread it around the inside of the oven (avoiding vents and heating elements), leave it overnight and give it a wipe over in the morning.

Make room for leftovers

If you’re looking to make sure your fridge is ready for the Christmas feast, the first thing you need to do is to take out any food that has gone out of date. This can be easily done by taking a quick look through all the items in your fridge and disposing of anything that has passed its expiry date. Not only will this give you extra room for your Christmas dinner leftovers, but it will also help prevent any food waste from happening in the first place.

Once you’ve gone through all the food in your fridge, be sure to recycle any packaging where appropriate. This will not only help reduce the amount of waste going into landfill, but it will also make space for any extra containers of leftovers that you need to store in your fridge.

Take the time now to make sure your fridge is clean and clear before the big day. This way, when the food is cooked and ready, you’ll have plenty of room to store it, as well as some extra room to store any leftovers you might have.

Recycle Responsibly

Christmas Day can often be a chaotic time, with presents to unwrap and mountains of wrapping paper and packaging left over. To help you stay organised, it’s important to ensure your recycling bins are empty before the big day.

On Christmas morning, make sure you have multiple bin bags on hand for sorting through waste on the day. You’ll need separate bags for paper, cardboard, plastic, and any other type of packaging. As soon as a present is unwrapped, be sure to separate its packaging into the appropriate bag. This will save time and energy when it comes to clearing up at the end of the day.

Don’t forget to use reusable bags or boxes for transporting your presents. You’ll be able to get many years of use out of them, and you’ll be doing your bit to help the environment.

Stock up on necessities

Christmas Day can be a hectic time with lots of people visiting, so making sure you’re organised and have everything in place is important. One of the most important necessities for your Christmas Day gathering is toilet roll.

It’s an essential item for every bathroom, but during the festive season when multiple guests come over, you may find yourself running low. To ensure you’re not caught out, it’s important to stock up on toilet roll in advance. A top tip is to buy plenty of rolls before the day so that you don’t end up having to run out to the shops on the day or during the last-minute rush.

Making sure you have enough toilet roll in place for your Christmas Day gathering is an easy way to stay organised, be sure to stock up on rolls and take the extra steps to arrange them so that everyone knows where to find them.

Jordan Kellyjordan.kelly@accrol.com

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