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Five Things You’ll Love About Oceans Toilet Paper

30/06/2020mins readWant to learn more?Keep up to date with Oceans news, Latest products and our actions for Oceans.

Fancy switching up your toilet paper?

Maybe you’re looking to reduce your impact on the planet?

Or are you just looking for a little added convenience and comfort?

What if we said you could have it all with Oceans toilet paper

Here are 5 things you’ll love about Oceans toilet paper:

1. We protect our oceans

Scientists estimate that there are over 5 trillion pieces of plastic floating in our oceans. Unnecessary plastic packaging will make up a large part of the debris. That’s why making Oceans 100% plastic-free was a no-brainer for us!

2. Give back to the Marine Conservation Society

We donate to the Marine Conservation Society so they can protect our seas, shores and wildlife. That means every time you purchase Oceans, you’re helping to keep our oceans safe.

3. It’s soft… like SUPER soft

Unlike most eco-friendly toilet paper, we haven’t compromised on quality. Our luxurious 3-ply rolls are guaranteed to keep bums happy. It’s even quilted with our patented bubble print for extra velvety goodness.

4. We deliver straight to your door

Imagine, you’ve just got home after your weekly grocery shop when you suddenly realise… you’ve forgotten the loo roll!

With Oceans, you’ll never forget to buy toilet paper again. Our subscription service ensures we deliver 27 or 45 rolls direct to your door exactly when you need it.

5. We use sustainable FSC® certified paper and we’re certainly not made from bamboo!

You won’t find any bamboo in Oceans toilet paper. Bamboo needs a certain climate to flourish, so 80% of the world’s bamboo is grown commercially in Asia. Most bamboo loo roll is also manufactured there too and shipping ready-made loo rolls creates lots more carbon.

We import sustainably sourced, FSC approved raw materials to minimise our carbon footprint and create our loo rolls using only renewable energy in the UK.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out our latest reviews from our very satisfied customers!

Be good to the planet and yourself. Order Oceans toilet paper today!

Simon HowardSimon.Howard@accrol.com

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