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New Survey Reveals People’s Worst Work Toilet Experiences

For most people, using the toilet at work can be an anxiety-inducing experience, especially if the facilities in your office aren’t of a great standard! At Oceans, we wanted to find out the absolute worst experiences office workers have had while using the toilet at work.

That’s why we conducted a survey of 2,000 people working in the UK and asked them to tell us their office toilet horror stories. While the vast majority of respondents cited “running out of loo roll”, “dirty toilets” or “bad smells” as their worst experiences, some had much more embarrassing stories to tell…

The Worst Toilet Experiences
“The day my phone fell into the toilet”
“A rat entering the bathroom”
“In a previous job finding someone passed out drunk!”
“I went and broke the seat”
“When you’re in trap one, trap three is empty and somebody chooses trap two”
“Someone reported me saying I was asleep, trying to get me sacked. Luckily it didn't work.”
“The handle fell off”
“The floor collapsing!”
“Someone masturbating!”
“When there was a dead body in there on Monday morning.”

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